Welcome to my Software/Web Development blog at last. This is my place to hopefully give something back to the open source software community that has been so invaluable to me in my own work over the years. After many years working in IT and Software, I got asked in 2006 to produce a non-trivial web site/application and decided to take the opportunity to built it using the Open Source framework Ruby on Rails, a choice that would help bring my software skills up to date and ensure the site was able to support the latest web concepts. That has turned out to be a fantastic decision. While RoR has not quite made web software development drag’n'drop-easy, as we have got used to with desktop programming, it certainly eased the Web 2.0 development learning curve as well as being a fully capable tool for building modern software.
I love the Ruby language too, on which the Rails framework is based and which gives Rails its name. I try to use that for as much of my programming as possible these days, but don't really mind what I use to get the job done. Having worked in COBOL, Visual Basic, C, C++, ObjectiveC, C# along with many other languages, I have my preference, but avoid limiting myself by language itself.
So here is a place to share what I learn as I work. I hope what I share helps you even remotely as much as everyone’s amazing input into the web software community is helping me especially over the last decade. Thanks to all you talented software developers, communicators and ordinary programmers like me for the sharing spirit that contributes to my productivity.